Capítulos de Livros
Diálogos modernistas com a paisagem: Sert e o Town Planning Associates na América do Sul, 1943-1951
A construção do Peru pelos peruanos: a experiência urbanística em Lima, 1919-1963
Memória e desejo de futuro
South American Foreign and Female Professionals: Reflections on an Unknown Contribution through Specialised South American Journals, 1929-1965
A survey of the content of the main South American specialised journals, published between the 1920s and 1960s, shows us a representative set of articles published by female professionals, although male supremacy is clear. In this set, it's possible to perceive two moments partially marked and defined by the Second World War. At first, is evident the presence of a number of female European professionals (architects, artists, plastic designs) from the publication or reproduction of articles published in Europe.